Scoliosis can range from mild to severe.

Scoliosis is a condition of the spine were the shape and position of the spine changes. The change in the shape changes the shape of a person’s posture and trunk. Normally, when the spine is viewed from the side, it has an s-curve. When it is viewed from the back, it is straight.

In a scoliosis patient, when the spine is viewed from the side the spine will lose the s-curve. From the back, the spine will be curved and twisted.

Scoliosis is common in both healthy children and adults. The cause of scoliosis is largely unknown, and it is referred to as idiopathic scoliosis. Idiopathic means that the specific cause of the curved spine is unknown.

Scoliosis is a progressive condition, if untreated early, it will get worse. If the condition progresses, there is higher risk of health problems in adult life. It can cause cosmetic disability; visible disability and it also decreases the quality of life. This condition has always been and continues to be a major challenge to the health profession. So, it is important to talk to health practitioners who have specialised knowledge and understanding of the condition.

Specialised Knowledge.

Scoliosis is a condition of the spine were the shape and position of the spine changes. The change in the shape changes the shape of a person’s posture and trunk.

Who’s affected by scoliosis

Scoliosis can develop anytime. It can be found in baby’s (Infant scoliosis), in younger children aged between 3-9 years old (Juvenile scoliosis), In adolescents between 10-18 years old (adolescent scoliosis) and in adults due to spinal degeneration and advancing age (De novo scoliosis). It is commonly diagnosed during growth spurts at the age of 6 months-2 years, 5-8 years old and at 10-14 years old. It is more serious in children and if left untreated, the twisting and curving of the spine will get worse during growth and development phases.

Adults who developed scoliosis as child or teenager, their scoliosis can gets worse as the spine collapses and changes shape. They can also develop scoliosis (Idiopathic adult Scoliosis) at any stage of life due to various reasons. Most common cause of scoliosis in adults is due to wear and tear of spinal joints and disc (spinal arthritis and degeneration). It is important to stop the progression of scoliosis in adults before it is too late.

Early detection and treatment is the key to the success of scoliosis care.