At our scoliosis clinic, we offer non-surgical scoliosis treatments.


How to Check for Scoliosis

To see if you or a loved one is suffering with scoliosis, click on the button below for a step by step online assessment.

Corrective Bracing
(3D Customised brace)

Corrective Bracing (3D Customised brace)

ScoliBrace is a unique bracing method that utilises a 3D scanning system which allows a corrective brace to be created that is custom made 3D spinal braces for patients with scoliosis and kyphosis . Scolibrace corrective bracing is designed to either reduce or stop the scoliosis while wearing the brace.


Scoliosis Specific Correction Exercises

We also offer specific scoliosis rehabilitation exercises known as Scientific Exercise Approach to Scoliosis (SEAS). SEAS program is self-correction exercises that are customised to every patient based on the type of their curve. These exercises consist of a combination of active movement-based exercise, isometric exercises, and reflexive exercises. The reason we utilise SEAS program is because it has the most gathered evidence and supporting research for treatment of scoliosis. SEAS may slow down or stop the progression of certain types of scoliosis conditions.

Scoliosis Specific muscle strengthening and stretching exercises

We also implement scoliosis spinal strengthening and stretching exercises. Our goal is to continuously strive to give our scoliosis patients the best clinical outcomes.

Note: It is important to understand that only specialised exercise and rehabilitation programs specifically designed to treat scoliosis have been proved to make improvements.

Dr Blessing Chiwona is registered Chiropractor with a special interest in non-surgical management of scoliosis.

Initial Consultation

60 - 90 minutes


Consultation Includes:

  • Consultation & Case History

  • Comprehensive scoliosis Examination & Testing

  • Analysis of Clinical Information and X-ray image

  • Upright Digital X-Ray Imaging*

  • Independent Clinical Radiology Report*

*where clinically relevant images and reports attract an additional charge.


Scoliosis Questionnaire for Current Patients only.