
Dr Blessing Chiwona

Scoliosis Doctor

Dr Blessing Chiwona is registered Chiropractor with a special interest in non-surgical management of scoliosis. His goal is to offer the best customised scoliosis treatment to all his patients. He has undertaken advanced training in scoliosis management, scoliosis bracing and scoliosis exercise rehabilitation.

​Dr Blessing Chiwona has also achieved certification in postural neurology and posture expert. The knowledge that he has gained from this certifications combined with clinical experience gives him the skills to asses and treat scoliosis patients.

Scoliosis Accreditations:​

  • World Masters Course in Scoliosis Management. ​

  • Accredited SEAS (Scientific Exercise Approach to Scoliosis) provider

  • Accredited Schroth Method provider.

  • Scolibrace Scoliosis Bracing Clinician-Certified provider.

  • SpineCor Scoliosis Bracing Clinician-Certified provider.

  • Certified Posture Expert. ​

  • Certified Postural Neurology Practitioner.